Mrs. Price's 4th Grade News


Good morning,

This week we will finish up our most recent pack of work. Thursday will be pick up for the next set of packets. It is from 3-6 pm. You may also drop off work. Please return the math books, Winn-Dixie, and Sarah, Plain and Tall books at this time. Your students will get their desk/locker items, spring pictures (if they ordered them) and a free book as well as the next 11 days of work. When the work is complete, congratulations, they are 5th graders!! 

During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). 

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Mrs. Price

Here is what we will study this week:

Day 16


*Math: 15.4: Solving Measurement Problems- Complete R15.4 and P15.4

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Begin movie (if you can). If not, read for 20 minutes.

*Science: IXL science for 4th grade. Choose any activity.

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or Imagine a giant box is delivered to your front doorstep with your name on it. What’s inside and what happens when you open it?  (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)

Day 17


*Math: 15.5: Solving Problems Involving Money- Complete R15.5 and P15.5

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Complete the movie. If you can’t view the movie, read for 20 minutes.

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade questions

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about what you would do if you had $1,000, what would you buy and why? (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)

Day 18


*Math: 15.6: Problem Solving: Solving a Simpler Problem and Making a Table- Complete R15.6 and P15.6

*Reading: Dreamscapes reading or read to self 20 minutes

*Science: IXL science

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or  Imagine what would happen if someone shrunk you down to be only 1″ tall. How would your life change?  (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)

Day 19


*Math: Topic 15 test- USE YOUR BOOK! :)

*Reading: Dreamscapes reading or read to self 20 minutes

*Social Studies- IXL 4th grade social studies

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or  write a story about what it would be like to climb to the very top of the highest mountain in the world.  (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)

Day 20


*Math: 15.3: Prodigy or write out a multiplication table with all of your facts through 12

*Reading: Dreamscapes reading or read to self 20 minutes

*Science- IXL 4th grade social studies

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or tell me what are some of your favorite animals? What do you like about them?  (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)





I hope all is well! 

During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). 

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Mrs. Price

Here is what we will study this week:

Day 11


*Math: 14.11: Problem Solving: Working Backwards- Complete R14.11 and P14.11

*Reading: Begin Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 8

*Science: Watch Bill Nye the Science guy video on YouTube: Simple Machines

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or tell about a machine you could invent to improve your life (You can do all writing in google docs and share it with me, or keep it on paper.)

Day 12


*Math: Chapter 14 Test- USE YOUR BOOK! :)

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Complete Chapters 7 and  8 worksheets

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade social studies pick any area

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about a perfect day you have experienced. Tell what made it perfect. (You can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.)

Day 13


*Math: 15.1: Making Line Plots- Complete R15.1 and P15.1

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 9

*Science: Build a tall tower with items around your house- Send me pics! 

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or about your favorite month of the year (You can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.

Day 14


*Math: 15.2: Solving Problems Involving Line Plots- Complete R15.2 and P15.2

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Complete Chapter 9 questions

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade social studies pick any area

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about what makes a person  kind (you can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.)

Day 15


*Math: 15.3: Solving Perimeter and Area Problems- Complete R15.3 and P15.3

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Complete the whole book test- Use your BOOK! :) 

*Science: Explore the videos/ activities on this website:

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about a time you stood up for something you believed in. What did you do?  (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)



I am saddened by the news that I won't get to see all of my students again! Please keep checking in and let me know how it is going. During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). 

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Mrs. Price


Day 6 Monday


*Math: 14.:Using Metric Units of Length- Complete R14.6 and P14.6

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- chapter 3 and 4 activities

*Science: Complete test on simple machines

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about what makes you who you are (You can do all writing in google docs and share it with me, or keep it on paper.)

Day 7 Tuesday


*Math: 14.7: Metric Units of Capacity- Complete R14.7 and P14.7

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall-Read chapter 5

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade social studies pick any area

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about what makes you laugh (You can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.)

Day 8 Wednesday


*Math: 14.8: Units of Mass- Complete R14.8 and P14.8

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 6

*Science: Simple Machines Begin Choice board activity

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about your favorite memory from class this year (You can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper).

Day 9 Thursday


*Math: 14.9: Changing Metric Units- Complete R14.9 and P14.9

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Complete chapters 5 and 6 activities

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade social studies pick any area

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about your favorite summer vacation and why (you can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.)

Day 10 Friday


*Math: 14.10: Units of Time- Complete R14.10 and P14.10

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 7

*Science: Simple Machines: Complete choice board activity

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about if you think schools should give homework and why or why not (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)




During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). 

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Mrs. Price


4th Grade Remote Learning set 2 (Starting week of April 13)


Below are the plans for daily specifics. Complete these first. Once this is complete, choose from the following list. Work for 75 minutes a day (or 1 hour and 15 minutes at least).

  • Watch science or animal videos

  • Play games from Mrs. Miller’s website

  • Write me a letter, e-mail, or text in Remind

  • Prodigy

  • IXL

  • Dreamscape

  • Build something cool and send a pic

  • Extra PE time

  • Extra Art time

  • Extra music

  • EPIC

  • Read for fun! 

  • Read to a sibling

  • Color me a picture

Day 1


*Math: 14.1: Customary Units of Length- Complete R14.1 and P14.1

*Reading: Begin Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 1 

*Science: Complete Simple Machines Booklet pages 1-4 (Inclined Plane through lever)

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about what makes your best friend your best friend (You can do all writing in google docs and share it with me, or keep it on paper.)

Day 2


*Math: 14.2: Customary Units of Capacity- Complete R14.1 and P14.1

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall-Read chapter 2

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade social studies pick any area

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about the most awesome thing about being in 4th grade (You can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.)

Day 3


*Math: 14.3: Units of Weight- Complete R14.3 and P14.3

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Complete chapters 1 and 2 questions and vocabulary worksheet

*Science: Simple Machines booklet: Wheel and Axle through motion

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about one thing you’d like to change about school (You can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.

Day 4


*Math: 14.4: Changing Customary Units- Complete R14.4 and P14.4

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 3

*Social Studies: IXL 4th grade social studies pick any area

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about what you would do if you were president for a day (you can do all writing in google docs and share it or keep it on paper.)

Day 5


*Math: 14.5: Problem Solving-Writing to Explain- Complete R14.5 and P14.5

*Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall- Read chapter 4

*Science: Simple Machines: Speed-gravity: Booklet now complete

*Writing: Journal about pandemic or write about being shipwrecked with only 3 items. What would they be and why? (You can write a Google docs and share it with me or you can keep it on paper.)


Good morning!

I am so proud of our TC school and community! The parade last week was a success. It was so nice to see you all. Later this week we will update you about how to retreive work for the next 4 weeks. We will also advise you how to turn in completed work.

During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). 

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Mrs. Price


Here is our weekly plan:

DAY 9 Monday


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 16 and 17. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to Dreamscapes reading. Complete 20 minutes of reading.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 30 minutes per day

DAY 10 Tuesday


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 18 and 19. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to IXL. Complete a reading activity for grade 4. Complete 20 minutes.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 20 minutes per day

DAY 11 Wednesday


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 20and 21. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to Dreamscapes reading. Complete 20 minutes of reading.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 20 minutes per day

DAY 12 Thursday


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 22 and 23. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to IXL. Complete a reading activity for grade 4. Complete 20 minutes.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 20 minutes per day

DAY 13 (Combined with day 14- Please note I eliminated some expectations) Friday


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 24 and 25 and 26- Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Complete “Insta Book Report” over Winn Dixie. Use complete sentences and proper punctuation. 

    • Login to Dreamscapes reading. Complete 20 minutes of reading.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 20 minutes per day




Good afternoon,

Wow! I cannot believe we are about to enter April. I hope all is going well and our kiddos had some time to rest and relax. Please keep students engaged. Mrs. Cummins has posted many e-learning resources on the Tri-City Facebook page. We also encourage you to have students read everyday and practice those basic math facts for fluency. Science is everywhere- cooking, discovery outside, animal programs on television and more. We have enough material to keep everyone busy until April 9th. If a longer remote learning program is required, we will be providing you those details as soon as we know. 

During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). 

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Mrs. Price

Here is our weekly plan:



DAY 6  Tuesday Bring your Pet to school Day!


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 10 and 11. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to IXL. Complete a reading activity for grade 4. Complete 20 minutes.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 20 minutes per day

DAY 7 Wednesday Parade Day- Check TC FB page for more info


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 12 and 13. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to Dreamscapes reading. Complete 20 minutes of reading.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 30 minutes per day

DAY 8 Thursday Sunglasses day


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 14 and 15. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to IXL. Complete a reading activity for grade 4. Complete 20 minutes.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 30 minutes per day

DAY 9 Friday Play outside!


    • Begin Because of Winn Dixie.  Read chapters 16 and 17. Complete the response questions for these chapters.

    • Login to Dreamscapes reading. Complete 20 minutes of reading.

    • Fluency passage (comp passage- circle the best choice)- 1 per day

    • Story print passage (tarantula on cover)- 1 per day


    • Mystery Science- Log-in to your teacher’s Google classroom page. Find the Mystery Science video links post. Select a mystery you haven’t done. Longer mysteries may take a couple days. Work for at least 20 minutes


    • 15 minutes per day until the packet is completed

  • MATH

    • eLearning packet- 2 pages per day until done

    • Math Fluency page- 1 per day until done

    • Choose Prodigy or IXL 4th grade math- 30 minutes per day


Hi families,

Last week we completed our Science investigation regarding the phonomena of sound and how it works. Check in with your kiddos and ask them to tell you how sound works. In social studies, we wrapped up the West region. Students did such a wonderful job on their tests! In reading and writing, we worked on poetry. Students wrote list poems, haikus and limericks. We also discussed elements of poetry. For grammar, we talked about multiple meaning words. We will discuss this further upon return from our hiatus.  In math, we worked on adding fractions and mixed numbers. We learned to convert imporoper fractions and mixed numbers through modeling. Keep practicing! 

During our mandatory school closure, I am here to help. You have me on Remind. You may also send me an e-mail at Additionally, you may call or text 217-416-2393 (my personal cell). Students need only to complete 5 days of the 14 day plan by March 31st which is our current return date. As students were already on spring break the week of March 23, we do not need students to complete work this week. Take the much earned break! We also have 1 emergency day we have used to make up. This is why students will only need to complete 5 days of the 14 day plan.

Some assignments are on the internet or applications. Students know how to use all of these online arenas. We are aware that some in the district have no or limited access to the internet. These folks may forgo the online instruction. It is just another way to engage our kiddos. Encourage students to access our Google Classroom page. I will try to post some videos in which I will just say hello, and touch base with my kiddos. All passwords for these areas are available in their folder I sent home. The passwords and usernames are taped on the inside. 

Thank you for keeping your students engaged in this difficult time. We are a team and we will get through this.

Please don't hesitate to reach out. Give all of my students a hug. I miss them dearly. 

Mrs. Price


What we will study:

March 16- Day 1 of plan

March 17- Day 2 of plan

March 18- Day 3 of plan

March 19- Day 4 of plan

March 20- Day 5 of plan


Important Dates:

Friday, March 20- End of Quarter 3

Spring Break: Monday March 23-Friday March 27th

Emergency Day- Monday March 30- No assignments need completed




Hello everyone! Hope you are enjoying the nicer weather. In the previous week, we began to add and subtract fractions. We continued our investigation of sound and how your ear hears. In social studies, we began to explore the Southwest region of the United States and it's history. For reading, we wrapped up Owen and Mzee with an assesment as well as completed our study of "ject" as a root word. Grammar led us to discussing suffixes and we worked on publishing our Dog Vs. Cat opinion writing. 

Only a couple of weeks until Spring break! 


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: Sound- pitch; test Friday

Reading (whole group): Poetry-concepts and poems (inluding haikus, list poems, and limericks)

Math: topic 12- Fractions- Test Thursday over addition and subtraction of fractions (basics)

ELA: Complete spelling list 13- Test Friday; Write and publish poetry- (list, haikus, limericks); Multiple meaning words

Social Studies: Southwest region-Wrap up- Test Thursday

Guided Reading: Abraham Lincoln biographies; organization



Important Dates:

Friday, March 13- End of Quarter 3


Happy leap year!

Last week, students completed math topic 11 with a test. In science, we explored sound with a paper cup telephone and then improved upon the design with students' own ideas. In social studies we discussed the Southwest Region of the United States. We took a test in reading over The World According to Humphrey and began an excerpt from Owen and Mzee.  We began to look at words with the root of "ject" which means to throw. In guided reading, we read Abraham Lincoln biographies. We are writing our opinion pieces over whether dogs or cats are better. This is being drafted on computers. We completed spelling list 12 with a test on Friday. Paw Pride was an exciting day of Read N Feed on Friday.


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: continue to explore and investigate sound waves

Reading (whole group): continue narrative non-fiction Owen and Mzee; compare and contrast; complete root word "ject"- Test Friday

Math: topic 12- Fractions

ELA: Spelling list 13; publish Dog Vs. Cat opinion writing; Suffixes

Social Studies: Southwest region history

Guided Reading: Abraham Lincoln biographies; organization



Good evening!

Students were busy on our short week. We continued our study of fractions and extended our study of Earth's water. In social studies, we began the Southwest region of the United States. We wrapped up our study of prefixes and began the next spelling list with plurals. In writing, we began brainstorming ideas for an opinion writing: Dog Vs. Cat. In reading, we wrapped up our last story and began to discuss our latest story, a narrative non-fiction, Owen and Mzee. We also continued our Abraham Lincoln biographies. Spring pictures were Thursday. We enter our final week of February.


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: explore and investigate sound waves

Reading (whole group): continue narrative non-fiction Owen and Mzee; compare and contrast; Begin root word "ject"

Math: topic 11- Fractions test Wednesday

ELA: Spelling list 12-Test Friday; Start Dog Vs. Cat opinion writing drafting

Social Studies: Southwest region geography, climate, natural resources

Guided Reading: Abraham Lincoln biographies; organization


Important Dates:

Friday, February 28- Paw Pride



Happy Valentine's Day!

We began fraction concepts in math this week beginning with factors and ending the week with equivalent fractions. For science we began an engineering group collarborative exploration. Students have to find the best location to build a well in a new town based on clues and information obtained through the discovery. In reading, we continued our excerpt of The World According to Humphrey exploring concepts like point of view. In grammar we finished up our spelling list with a test and started discussion of prefixes. In guided reading, we started Abraham Lincoln biographies. We discussed using the reading strategy of asking questions while reading a non-fiction text. In social studies, we also discussed Abraham Lincoln. We had an exciting week with a science experiment presentation on Monday, spelling bee on Wednesday, and Valentine's parties today. We had so much fun!


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: water and conservation/pollution; where to build a well; Why is snow white?

Reading (whole group): "The World According to Humphrey" , theme, Test Wednesday; Begin narrative non-fiction Owen and Mzee

Math: topic 11- Fractions 

ELA: Begin spelling list 12; Start Dog Vs. Cat opinion writing; Prefixes

Social Studies: Southwest region

Guided Reading: Abraham Lincoln biographies; organization

Important Dates:

Monday, February 17- No school- President's Day

Wednesday, February 19- Spelling Bee in Pawnee- Good luck, Colt!

Thursday, February 20- Spring Picture




Happy February! Last week we completed  math topic 10 over division. We have moved into fractions where those basic facts are again going to come into play. In Science we studied fossils- a topic students loved. We started to do literature circles in reading for our next story, an excerpt from "The World According to Humphrey." We will discuss theme and point of view with this story. Additionally, we are reading dinosaur books in our guided reading groups. For social studies we discussed Presidents' Day and will continue to do so this week with a focus on Abraham Lincoln. Our writing focus was the trait of organization. We are talking about using position words to make a clear description. We wrapped up the Greek and Latin root Grad/Gres and took a test for that. We also started an their spelling list which focuses on how to spell words with various endings. If you are in the school sometime this month, check out the bulletin board outside of the Elementary office. It is decorated with our students' "Snow Globe" book reports! They are adorable!


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: water and conservation/pollution

Reading (whole group): "The World According to Humphrey"  excerpt; Test Tuesday; non-fiction article over fossils

Math: topic 11- Fractions 

ELA: ; Movie review writing; Organization trait-postcard; Spelling list 11- Test Thursday; RACES writing; Prefixes

Social Studies: Abraham Lincoln

Guided Reading: dinosaurs, Abraham Lincoln 


Important Dates:

Monday, February 10- Science assembly

Wednesday, February 12- School wide spelling bee

Thursday, February 14- Valentine box due

Friday, February 14- Valentine's Day party; 11:35 dismissal 



Hello families,

I hope your weekend was well. Last week we almost wrapped up topic 10 in math over division. In science, we discussed soil and it's properties and will continue the topic it this week. In social studies, kids had fun exploring the 50 United States. In reading we completed I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg and completed an assessment over the novel.  We also began our study of the Greek/Latin root "grad/gres" which means step. For writing, we published our final draft of our book report. These beautiful projects will hang in the hallway right by the elementary office. Check them out if you stop by to visit. They are adorable "snow globes". We also took our list 10 spelling test and completed our practice of writing addresses correctly. 

This will be a short week and I will get Valentine party info sent out soon.


Mrs. Price

What we will study:

Science: soil, fossils

Reading (whole group): "The World According to Humphrey"  excerpt; "Coming Attractions"; theme, point of view; Contine grad/gres

Math: Complete topic 10- Test Wednesday, begin topic 11- Fractions

ELA:  Grammar boot camp; Movie review writing; Organization trait; Spelling list 11

Social Studies: U.S. States and capitals stations; presidents

Guided Reading: dinosaurs, earthquakes, volcanoes texts


Important Dates:

Friday, February 7th: Paw Pride



Hi everyone!

In the previous week, we got a lot accomplished! We began topic 10 in math- divsioion fluency. Practice those facts. As we begin long divsiion they are vital to your child's success. In science, we moved on to discussing rocks and even looked at how scientists classify rocks as we practiced ourselves. In social studies, we completed our study of the lovely region we call home: the midwest. In whole group reading we continued our novel, I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg. We completed our deeper study into the root word "geo". For our guided reading small groups, we continued our volcano and earthquake books which will be wrapping up very shortly. In grammar we began studying how to properly write an address with correct punctuation and began a new spelling list featuring the /aw/ sound. Finally, in writing, we began drafting our book report.

Congratulations to Colton M. and Jacob P.! They will represent Tri-City Elementary 4th graders in the county spelling bee in February. All of our students tried hard! Good job 4th grade!

We have readched the final week of the New Year! I hope all is going well.


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: the rock cycle; sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic rocks- Test Friday

Reading (whole group): I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, novel- Test Tuesday; Begin new story- "The World According to Humphrey" excerpt;  Greek/ Latin Root "grad/gres"

Math: continue topic 10 divsion fluency

ELA: Publish book report; Complete spelling list 10-Test Friday; Commas in addresses-quiz Thursday

Social Studies: U.S. States and capitals stations

Guided Reading: Volcanoes, earthquakes informational text


Important Dates:

Friday, January 31- Paw Pride



Hope you are all staying warm! Last week we wrapped up topic 9 in math- division number sense. We will continue division this week. In science, we discussed erosion and weathering. We will take a test on this Wednesday. In social studies, we finished our study of the Midwest region of the United States. This week we will take a test over it. For reading, we continued our novel study of  I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg. We also continued reading volcanoes and earthquakes informational texts in guided reading. This allowed us to delve into non-fiction text features. In writing, we discussed the trait of ideas and how important character and setting development is to a story. Students then wrote a brief story of their own choice. We also practiced using and punctuating dialgoue properly. We took our first spellng test of the quarter- It was a tough one, but students did well overall. Our Greek/ Latin root is "geo" which means earth or soil. Students will continue studying these words in the coming week. 

Please remebver, we are not in school Monday. Also, students need to bring their book for the book report. We will begin drafting this Tuesday. Thanks! 

I look forward to seeing our kids Tuesday!


Mrs. Price

What we will study:

Science: erosion- wind, water, glaciers- Test Wednesday

Reading (whole group): I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, novel- Test Friday;  Greek/ Latin Root "Geo"- Test Friday

Math: Begin topic 10 divsion fluency

ELA: Draft book report; Begin spelling list 10; Commas in addresses

Social Studies: Complete Midwest region of the United States-Test Thursday

Guided Reading: Volcanoes, earthquakes informational text


Important Dates:

Monday, January 20th- No School: MLK day

Tuesday, January 21st- Book report books due to school. Begin drafting report



Hi everyone! Our first week back from break is all done! I hope your kiddos transitioned nicely into their old routines. We discussed earthquakes and volcanoes and began topic 9 over division in math. For social studies, we began the Midwest Region of the United States. Students will also learn about the Great Lakes. For reading whole group- we continued I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg. With our guided reading groups, we are reading selections about either earthquakes or volcanoes. Students are really interested in Earth science! For ELA we are studying dialgoue and how to properly use it in our writing. In additon to this, we are discussing ideas and how character and setting developement full of details adds to our writing. We also began list 9 for spelling. This is a tough list. Make sure students are studying as they are compound words. Students must determine whether to separate the words at all and if so, does it require a hyphen or an empty space. 

Please encourage students to read their book report book daily. I set goals with each child that were reasonable. I would also encourage students to practice their basic multipliation and division facts. Mastery of these will help with long division which we will begin shortly. 



Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: erosion- wind, water, glaciers

Reading (whole group): I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, novel, begin Greek/ Latin Root "Geo"

Math: Finish up topic 9- Division- Test Thursday

ELA: Finish Ideas writing trait,short story, complete spelling list 9- Test Friday, Complete dialogue- Quiz Thursday

Social Studies: Continue Midwest region of the United States- history

Guided Reading: Volcanoes, earthquakes informational text


Important Dates:

Monday, January 20th- No School: MLK day

Tuesday, January 21st- Book report books due to school. Begin drafting report





I hope everyone and a wonderful holiday break! Tomorrow we return to school and business once again. 

Can't wait to see my students again!


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: earthquakes, volcanos

Reading (whole group): I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, novel

Math: Begin topic 9- Division

ELA: Grammar boot camp, Ideas writing trait, begin spelling list 9

Social Studies: Begin Midwest region of the United States

Guided Reading: Volcanos, earthquakes informational text


Good morning!


We had a wonderful last week of school before the holiday. We finished up a number of topics so that we will be ready to begin fresh with the new year. 


It is my sincere hope that you and yours have a happy holiday!


Mrs. Price


Good afternoon, 

We discussed more earth science learning about plate tectonics. In math, we practiced mutliplying by 2 digits. We continued our visit to the Southeast region of the US and learned about their climate and natural resources. In reading, we began our How the Grinch Stole Christmas reader's theater (we LOVE this) and explored character traits and similes and metaphors. For writing, we began publishing our creative holiday writing activity and created cards for the residents of Briarcliff Assisted Living. For ELA we began studying "dict", the Greek/Latin root meaning to say or tell. We completed a random act of kindess by helping the Pre-K with Christmas cards and reading to them. 

One week to go! 


Mrs. Price

What we will study:

Science: plate tectonics, earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes- Test this week

Reading (whole group): How the Grinch Stole Christmas readers theater, plot elements- Test this week

Math: Topic 8 review and test (Tuesday), holiday math review

ELA: Unit grammar review (since the beginning of the year)- Test this week, publish holiday themed creative narrative stories, "Dict" Greek and Latin roots- Test this week

Social Studies: Complete the Southeast region of the United States; Test this week

Guided Reading: I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg; point of view, vocabulary\

Important Dates:

Monday, December 16- Gingerbread Supplies due

Wednesday, December 18- 2 PM dismissal, Holiday Program 7 PM

Thursday, Decmber 19- 2 PM dismissal, contsruct Gingerbread houses

Friday, December 20- 2 PM dismissal, Paw Pride, Holiday Parties

Monday,December 23- Winter Break- Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! 



Happy Sunday!

Last week in science we began a new unit of Earth science. Students learned about the layers of the Earth with some engaging activities. In math, we started topic 8 which is 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. For reading, we read another mystery "Christmas Catastrophe" where we had to determine who tried to ruin Christmas using specific text evidence. With guided reading, we looked at I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg which goes so well with what we are studying in social studies: The Southeast region of the United States. We learned about geography and landforms of this region. In writing, we began a holiday craftivity narrative (they are so cute) and grammar focused on capitalizing titles. Spelling saw us start list 8, particular dipthongs. 

Holiday dress-up begins tomorrow. See the schedule at the top here. Book orders are due Friday, December 13th.


Mrs. Price

What we will study:

Science: Pangaea, plate tectonics, earthquakes

Reading (whole group): informational text, How the Grinch Stole Christmas readers theater, plot elements, character traits, reading benchmarks

Math: continue Topic 8- Multiplying by 2 digits, benchmark testing

ELA: Complete spelling list 8; test Friday, December 13; Unit grammar review (since the beginning of the year), drafting and editing holiday themed creative narrative stories

Social Studies: Continue the Southeast region of the United States- natural resources, climate, The Civil War, landmarks

Guided Reading: I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg; point of view, vocabulary




Good afternoon all!

It is my sincere hope that you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. Over the past week we finished up math topic 7- the beginnings of 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. Keep practicing those facts! In science we completed our study of life science and will transition to Earth science this week. For writing we completed creative narrative pieces (such great ideas!). Grammar was a review of basic concepts with a Thanksgiving twist. We completed spelling list 7 with an aseesment. Reading was so fun as we explored a mystery. Students acted as detectives and were diving deep into the text for evidence. We wrote a RACES repsonse together and read about the tradition of preidents pardoning turkeys. In social studies, we played games to practice learning the states and capitals. We also created a turkey trap in an exciting STEM challenge activity. One of my favorite activities of the week was sending "Turkey grams" to all of the elementary teachers! Our students are so kind!

Have a safe 4 day weekend!


Mrs. Price


What we will study:

Science: Earth's compostion, Earth's crust layers, plate tectonics

Reading (whole group): "Christmas Catastrophe" mystery, MAP testing round 2, using text evidence 

Math: begin Topic 8- Multiplying by 2 digits

ELA: Begin spelling list 8; Capitalizing titles; Begin brainstorming and drafting holiday themed creative narrative stories

Social Studies: Begin the Southeast region of the United States

Guided Reading: I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg; point of view, vocabulary




Hi families!

We explored ecosystems with a fish tank mystery science video and game where students had to create a balanced fish aquarium ecosystem. We will complete that unit in the coming week. We took our assessment over our last story which went very well and began to read about Benjamin Franklin and his argument for why the turkey would make a better national symbol than the eagle. In math, we began studying two digit by two digit multiplication. In ELA we wrapped up simple and compound sentences and started a new spelling list. In addition to that, we discussed the sentence fluency writing trait where we discussed run-on and rambling sentences specifically. We also began writing creative short sci-fi stories. Students were to choose 1 of 3 prompts to write a story over. They are not complete yet, but what we have so far is exciting. This is a very creative group of writers! Ask your kiddo about their story.

We are looking forward to the short week ahead!


Mrs. Price

What we will study:

Science: Bill Nye "Biodiversity", Tiger Adaptations with a RACES response, Thanksgiving STEM activity: Turkey trap

Reading: Finish up Benjamin Franklin "Turkey vs. Eagle" article, Read "Turkey Trouble" mystery and solve the case, guided reading

Math: 7 test, Topic 8 pretest (multiplying by 2 digits), Thanksgiving math fun

ELA: Complete creative sci-fi piece, list 7 spelling test, thanksgiving grammar review

Social Studies: United States and Capitals practice games/stations


Important Dates/Info:

Monday- PJ day for $2 towards angel tree

Wednesday: Paw Pride

Thursday and Friday: Happy Thanksgiving! No school. 





Hello everyone!

We had an interesting first week together with Veteran's Day and the first snow day of the year! Students completed spelling list 6 and math topic 6.. They also took an assessment over the Greek and Latin root word "therm". All around the class did an excellent job! Our Veteran's Day program was wonderful. My students have been so welcoming and have ajusted very well to my return. Over the next few weeks I will be reaching out to you all to introduce myself and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Week 2 coming up!


Mrs. Price

What we will study:

Science- Ecosystems mystery science and quiz

Reading- Finish up dicussion of The Life and Times of the Ant- we will take an assessment over the story and vocabulary this week; continue reading conferences

Math- Begin topic 7

ELA- RACES response; sentence fluency writing trait; begin spelling list 6; quiz over compound sentences

Social Studies- Finish up Northeast region



Hello 4th grade families!

Wow! This school year has gotten off to quite the start, I was married this summer, so my name has changed from Ms. Ross to Mrs. Price. As you also know, I had my baby earlier than planned and as such, was unable to begin the school year with your kiddos as planned. I know your students are being well taken care of in the experienced hands of Mrs. Kathy Booker! I will return from maternity leave on Monday, November 11th. Until then, keep in contact with Mrs. Booker. I cannot wait to finally meet my 2019-2020 4th graders! Please continue to check this website throughout the school year for updates and pictures of what we are doing this year!


Mrs. Price


Introducing Baby Jane Rose Price born 8/14/19! 💜


Wow! Time has gotten away from me!

May 19, 2019

Hi everyone! 9 days left! Last week we had lots of fun-volcano viewing, wax-museum participation, state fair, field trip, petting zoo, and our baby shower! This week we will have a couple more tests to finish off the semester. Encourage your students to finish strong and try hard to do well on these last few graded assignments! We will also have exciting dress-up days, too! 

Here is what we will study:

Math: Continue topic 15. Test Friday, May 24th

Science: continue studying electricity

Social Studies: Complete West region. Test Thursday, May 23rd

Spelling: Continue list 13- Spelling test Friday, May 24th

Writing: 4th Grade Survival guide

Grammar: Multiple meaning words

Whole-group Reading: Complete Winn-Dixie book- Test Wednesday, May 22nd

Guided Reading: Language and reading skills review

Important Info:

No school: Monday, May 27th

Play Day: Tuesday, May 28th

2 PM dismissal- Thursday, May 30th

Last day of school: Friday, May 31st-2 PM dismissal


April 18, 2019

Hi everyone! Have a wonderful long break. See your child's binder for a purple slip regarding Grandparents day on April 26th! This week we continued Math topic 13. Science was a study of heat energy. In social studies and writing, we drafted our research paper. Remember to begin working on your floats. In whole group reading we started our novel, Because of Winn Dixie. In guided, we started various novels. We begin spelling list 12- plural nouns.

Enjoy your long holiday break!

What we will study:

Math: finish topic 13- Test Wednesday! Start topic 14

Science: Sound energy

Social Studies/Writing: Edit research papers

Spelling: List 12- Test Friday!

Guided Reading: Continue novels

April 12, 2019

Whoo Hoo! State testing is officially done! Great job 4th grade! We tested daily and in the afternoon, we began our Social Studies report research. Excellent job! Today we even drafted paragraph 1. We also continued our study of decimals and fractions in math. Our afternoons always ended will fun incentives and prizes and extra recess.

I am sure the kids will be tired this weekend! Hopefully next week they will feel well rested.


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math- Continue topic 13

Science- Heat

Social Studies- West region

Spelling- begin list 12

Writing- Continue drafting our state report

Whole Group reading- Begin novel, Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

Guided reading- Begin novels and study setting and characters-Frankenstein Moved in on the Fourth Floor, Charlotte's Web, The Black Pearl, and Hatchet


Important Information:

Monday, April 15th- Begin Floats for  State Fair

Ag in the classroom, Wednesday, April 17th

Thursday, April 18th- Choose Kind Day- Students watch Wonder

Friday, April 19-Monday, April 22- Easter break


April 5, 2019

We had a productive return from Spring break. Students began math topic 13- extending fraction concepts. We also discussed matter including its properties and states. We reviewed states and capitals in Social Studies. For reading, we were busy going back over reading skills and strategies. Grammar saw us also refreshing mechanic conventions. Finally, we finished up writing poetry. On top of all of this, we practiced for our IAR state testing that begins next week.

Today we kicked off our IAR testing with donuts and a parade. Students entered our wing and were met with exciting black lights, decor, and music. The theme is I'm a Rockstar (IAR). Last year we received exemplary status; I expect our results to be just as wonderful. Please help us by making sure children are well-rested and come to school on time. We will test daily at 8:30AM. Students will have the opportunity to earn prizes and incentives for giving it their best! 

Have a wonderful weekend.


Ms. Ross


Our daily routine:

8:30-9:55 or 10:10- IAR testing (Math unit 1, ELA unit l, Math unit 2, ELA unit 2, Math unit 3)

10:10-10:20- Color and read aloud

10:20-10:45- Recess

10:45-11:35- Lunch and recess

11:35-12:40- Social studies paper

12:40-1:10- PE

1:15-2- Lesson in math or reading

2:00- Pack up

2:05-2:20- Incentives

2:20-2:45- Recess

2:45- Family time

2:55-  Dismissal


Important info-

School supply orders due Friday, April 12th

Research notes for social studies due Friday, April 12th



March 25, 2019

Spring break has begun! Hope your kiddos enjoy some much deserved rest. I miss them already!

Last week we completed our study of fraction basics in math topic 12. We also completed our study of Earth science and rocks. In social studies, we wrapped up our learning of the Southwest region- 1 region to go! For reading, we continued studying mythology in both whole group and guided reading. Students were really enjoying this unit! For grammar we studied compound and simple sentences and in writing, we continued our study of poetry. For vocabulary we completed our study of the Greek and Latin Root, "scrib/sript". 

We also had lots of fun in science with ag in the classroom, viewing of the 6th graders' smart houses and elementary science night. In addition to that, we studied dinosaurs and got to play the 3rd grade self-created "arcade" games. Paw pride was super fun and we wrapped up our book fair.

Enjoy the week off!


Ms. Ross


What we will study next week:

Math: Begin topic 13 fraction concepts and decimals

Science: Begin physics-motion

Social Studies: Review U.S. states and capitals with practice

Whole group reading: review reading comprhension skills with picture books and graphic organizers

Writing: Continue poetry

Grammar: Review parts of speech and convetions 

Guided Reading: Reading skills and strategies review


Important Info:

IAR testing kickoff Friday, April 5- NO TESTING this day, just pep-rally with donuts! 

IAR testing begins Monday, April 8th! 



March 17, 2019


Hi there! Countdown to Spring break begins! 

Last week we continued our study of Earth science. In math, we continued working on addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers. In social studies we wrapped up the history of the Southwest region. In whole group reading, we finished up Hercules' Quest and talked about mythology and theme, while in our small groups, we read different myths. For vocabulary, we introduced Greek and Latin roots "scrib/script." We finished up spelling list 11. In writing, we continued working on various forms of poetry.

This week we have Paw Pride and early dismissal. We also have book fair and lots of fun at the Elementary Science Night. 

Hope to see you all soon!


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: Finish up topic 12. Test Thursday, March 21st

Science: Complete our study of rocks/landforms, etc.

Social Studies: Southwest region wrap up- Test Wednesday

Whole group and guided reading: Continue mythology and discussion allusions

Writing: Continue poetry

Vocab: Complete "scrib/scrpit"- test Thursday, March 21st

Grammar: Simple and compound sentences


Important info:

Book fair- ongoing in RTI room

Monday, March 18th: Jump for Heart due

Tuesday March 19th: Mornings with Mom

Wednesday, March 20th: Elementary Science Night 6-7:30PM

Friday, March 22nd: 11:35 dismissal- Elementary students will be fed

Monday, March 25th- Spring Break begins


!March 9, 2019

Good morning!

We had a great week last week with dress up days to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday! We also earned a marble party! This will be Friday, March 15th. The end of the quarter was Friday. I will be updating the grades ASAP. 

We continued working on topic 12 in math- fractions and mixed numbers. We started Earth science and began studying Pangaea, plate tectonics, and how mountains and other landforms are formed. In social studies, we began to study the geography of the Southwest. For reading, we completed our novel and began our study of Greek mythology. In writing, we are looking at figurative language and poetry. Students have composed 3 poems already. Grammar was a refresher on subject-verb agreement. In vocabulary, we wrapped up our study of "ject".

We closed off our week with a very special visitor from New Salem: Trevor Thompson. Our students had so many awesome questions to ask about life at New Salem and Abraham Lincoln. We even learned that Abraham Lincoln's mom was a wrestler! This was a nice wrap up of the Midwest region as well as a preview of our New Salem field trip.

Have a wonderful week!


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: Continue topic 12

Science: Erosion and classifying rocks and minerals

Social Studies: History of the Southwest region

Whole Group reading: Hercules' Quest, allusions, story elements, theme/ continue mythology, Test on the story Thursday, March 14th

Writing: More poetry and figurative language

Grammar: Pronouns and antecedents

Guided Reading: mythology- Icarus, Perseus and more

Spelling: Finish up list 11- Test Friday, March 15th


Important Info:

Marble Party- Milkshakes, PJ's and movie- Friday, March 15th! 


February 23, 2019

Hi everyone! After President's day, we had a productive week. We worked on topic 11 in math. In science, we completed life science and ecosystems/biomes. In social studies, we continued the Midwest region of the U.S. For reading, we started a novel, Sarah Plain and Tall- which all students seem to be enjoying. For spelling, we started list 10 and we covered conjunctions in grammar. In writing, we focused on the trait of organization and how we can organize a paragraph by comparisons. Students compled a typed paragraph comparing two students in our class. For guided reading, we returned to our Lincoln books. 


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: Finish up topic 11, test Wednesday, Febuary 27th, begin topic 12

Science: Begin Earth Science: Layers of the Earth/rocks

Social Studies: Complete the Midwest region, test Tuesday, February 26, begin Southwest region

Whole Group Reading: Finish Sarah Plain and Tall

Grammar: Subjects and predicates

Spelling: Complete list 10, Test Friday, March 1st

Writing: Write a limerick and study sensory imagery in poetry

Vocabulary: "subj" Greek and Latin Root

Guided Reading: Finish Lincoln books


Important info:

IAR testing practice- Monday, February 25th- students will take either math OR reading (randomly assigned)

Bookit due Friday, March, 1st

Paw Pride- Friday, March 1st

Harry Potter TCEF basket donations must all be in by Friday, March 1st


February 18, 2019

Happy President's Day! The past week was back to work again, but ended with our last party of the year-the Valentine Party! In math we began learning about basic fraction concepts such as factoring, multiples, and equivalence. We discussed animal adaptations in science and how animals respond to change. We studied the history of the Midwest in Social Studies. For reading, we completed My Brother Martin and read a fairy tale mystery, Heart Hysterics. Students were working to solve the case of who stole the Queen of Hearts' scepter. They had to analyze evidence, listen to testimony, and then create a conclusion with a motive and specific evidence. In writing, we finished our Book reports and presented our report with our book boxes. We finally completed our spelling list with a test. We finished up comparative and superlatives. On Friday, we had our awesome Valentine Party! We had lots of fun playing a candy dice game and creating paper airplanes. 


This week we will have spring/casual pictures. 


Ms. Ross


What we will study: 

Math- Continue topic 11- fractions and equivalence

Science: Complete life science- changes to ecosystems

Social Studies: Wrap up Midwest region- Test Friday, February 22nd

Reading: Begin reading the novel, Sarah Plain and Tall

Grammar: Conjunctions

Writing: Work on organization

Spelling: Begin list 10

Guided Reading: Continue Lincoln books


Important Info:

Spring/Casual Pictures, Thursday, February 21st

Book orders due: Friday, February 22nd



February 10, 2019

This has been a crazy winter with all of our days off and then we had another one Friday due to power being out! All of the tasks scheduled for Friday will continue to this week.

Last week we completed math topic 10 over long division. In science, we worked on the food chain and food webs and how energy passes through these systems. In social studies, we wrapped up the geography of the Midwest region of the United States. We took a test over My Brother Martin in reading and continued BAS testing. We also learned about comparative and superlative adjectives/adverbs. In writing, we drafted our book report rough draft and we worked on a RACES writing.

This week will be full of exciting activities but also, lots of academics.


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: Topic 11- fractions

Science- Complete food webs/food chains- test Monday, February 10; begin rocks

Social Studies- Begin history of the Midwest region

Reading- Heart Hysterics mystery and reader's theater

Grammar- Conjunctions

Vocabulary- "Grad"

Spelling- Test on list 9, February 10th; begin list 10

Guided reading: Finish BAS, go back to Lincoln books

Writing- Complete Valentine's book report, complete RACES

Important Info:

School Spelling Bee- Wednesday, February 13th- 1:45PM

Valentine Box Due-Thursday, February 14th

Valentine Party- Friday, February 15th

11:35 dismissal- Friday, February 15th

No school- Monday, February 19th


February 3, 2019

Wow! Can  you believe it's already February? After last weeks missed days, this week will feel super long! Since we didn't get much accomplished from last week,  I am just going to show you what we will study this week.

Hopefully we are in the upswing from the chill of winter!


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: complete topic 10. Test Thursday! 

Science: Continue food chains/food webs. Test Friday.

Social Studies: Continue the Midwest region

Whole Group Reading: My Brother Martin- finish up- Test Thursday

Grammar: Comparative and Superlative adjectives

Writing: RACES and begin drafting book reports

Spelling- Continue list 9- Test Friday

Guided Reading- BAS continued

Important info:

Thursday, February 14- Valentine book report box due

Friday, February 15- 11:35 dismissal, Valentine party in the morning



January 28, 2019

Hi everyone!

Last week we continued long division. I still have a handful of kiddos that need to practice their basic multiplication facts. This will help them tremedously! We completed our study of biomes with a test. We also completed our study of the Southeast region of the United States with a test. In reading we started a new story called, My Brother Martin, about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s childhood. In writing we dicussed topic sentences and keeping your writing focused. We started a new spelling list: compound words and completed our study of the root word "geo". 

Keep your eyes on the temperatures this week as they may plunge below zero. Please make sure to send students with coats, hats, gloves, etc. 

Have a wonderful week!

Smiles- Ms. Ross


Here is what we will study:

Math: Continue topic 10- long division

Science: food chain/food webs

Social Studies: Begin the Midwest region

Reading Whole Group: My Brother Martin, author's purpose, organization of writing

Writing: RACES, writing about reading

Grammar: Comparative and Superlative adjectives

Spelling: Continue list 9, Test Friday, 2/1/19

Vocabulary: Begin "Grad" Greek/Latin roots

Guided reading: BAS/Civil War/Abraham Lincoln stories continued


Important Info:

Friday, February 1st- County Spelling Bee qualification

Friday, February 1st- Paw Pride


January 19, 2019

Hello families! 

Long division has been our focus over the last week. Students need to be practicing until the steps are firm in their mind. Tell them to remember the rap: divide, mulitply, subtract, bring it on down and bring it on back (repeat). In science, students collaborated to create Google Slides over different biomes of the Earth. In social studies, we looked at the history of the Southeast region where a major issue we discussed was the Civil War. In whole group reading, we finished up our study of Stormalong culminating in a test. Students did a very good job on this test- the first of the quarter. We continued finished up our opinion piece over Dogs vs. Cats. We also finshed up spelling list 8 and started to study root words "geo". In guided reading, we continued our books that are related to the Civil War or Abraham Lincoln. 

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Ross

Here is what we will study:

Math- topic 10- long division

Science: Biomes/food chains/food webs

Social Studies: Complete the Southeast region- Test Thursday, January 24th.

Whole-group reading: Begin My Brother Martin- explore author's purpose and organization of text

Grammar: Review unit 2- Test Friday, January 25th

Vocabulary: Review "geo" root words. Test Friday, January 25th

Writing: Work on the "ideas" trait of writing, RACES

Spelling: Introduce list 9

Guided Reading: Continue our Abraham Lincoln/Civil War books- discuss purpose and organization of text


Important Info:

No school Monday, January 21st-Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday

Ag in the Classroom: Tuesday, January 22nd

Skyzone field trip for Fannie Mae: Thursday, January 24th

Book Report book needs read by Friday, February 1st

Classroom spelling bee to determine qualifiers for school spelling bee- Friday, February 1st

January 12, 2019

Hello! This past week we began our study of division. Keep practing facts as quick recall will help students as we get into long division. In science we began studying ecosystems and biomes. We started our study of the Southeast Region of the United States. In writing, we began a cats vs. dogs opinion piece. In reading we began a tall tale, Stormalong. With our reading we will be working on character traits and inferring. In grammar we wrapped up helping verbs. Finally, for guided reading, wje began Abraham Lincoln and Civil War stories.

Have a safe, snowy weekend!s


-Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: topic 10- division

Science: Biomes/food chains/food web

Social Studies: Southeast region of the United States- history

Reading: Stormalong, character traits, inferences, test Thursday, 1/17/19

Spelling: Continue list 8- Test Friday, 1/18/19

Vocabulary: "Geo" root word

Writing: Finalize Dogs vs. Cats opinion piece

Grammar: linking verbs

Guided Reading: Civil War and Lincoln stories continued



December 31, 2018

Happy New Year! I cannot believe that today is the last day of 2018! It is my hope that your family has a safe and happy year. I am missing all of my students and cannot wait to see them on Monday, January 7th. We had a wonderful end to our December with our Random Acts of kindness (helping pre-K make cards), to our wonderful holiday celebration Friday. Our 4th grade, as a whole, showed growth in both math and reading MAP tests with lots of my students making huge gains. Ask your kiddo to share their growth with you. We tracked our growth and goals on a bookmark. Their lexile is also included on the bookmarks as well. The end of the quarter was December 21, 2018. Final grades are up on Skyward. There will be no printed copies of report cards. However, if you would like me to print a progress report, please contact me.

I am so excited to see everyone again January 7th! Our new book that I will read aloud is Wonder. If students have a copy of this, encourage them to bring it and follow along. This is a wonderful story about choosing kind and celebrating differences. 


Ms. Ross


Here's what we willl study:

Math: Begin topic 9- division basics (This is a review, but I know some of our kiddos are a bit rusty. Please encourage them to practice fact fluency.                     They can always think of division in terms of multiplication. For example for something like 81 divided by 9, encourage students to think, "What                times 9 equals 81?" If they can answer that question, then they have the answer to the basic division problem. This is when our memorization                 of multiplication facts really matters! After this topic, we move on to long division.)

Science: Begin exploring biomes

Social Studies: Begin learning about the geography of the Southeast region of the United States

Spelling: Begin list 8

Grammar: Study helping verbs

Writing: Begin our opinion writing- Dogs vs. Cats

Whole group reading: Begin reading a tall tale, Stormalong; character traits, point of view, hyperbole, infer and predict, fluency-work on expression

Guided reading: Tall tales and/or Civil War stories/ explore hyperbole, point of view, character traits, infer and predict


December 16, 2018.

Hi families!

Last week was fun with all of our exciting dress up days. We had lots of cute reindeer and fun jammies! We took our map tests and rocked them. Some of our students jumped as much as 20 points in a particular area! As a 4th grade collectively, we grew in both reading and math! We continued our work on 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication as well as our study of the human body. We learned about the Revolutionary War in both social studies and guided reading. We worked on our current spelling list and finished up the root word "dict" for vocabulary. We got into the Grinchy spirit by reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas, even participating in a reader's theater. My goal is for us to perform this reader's theater on Grinch day this week! We also anayzed the lyrics to "The Grinch Theme" song and pointed out and illustrated the metaphors and similies within the lyrics. Finally, we wrote on our publishing for the Sno-globe book report. These cool book reports will chill out on the bulletin board outside of the Elementary office in January. Keep your eyes out for these! 

This week should prove to be very busy and exciting week. Looking forward to our holiday party!! 


Ms. Ross



What we will study:

Math: finish up topic 8; Test Wednesday, 12/19; review division

Science: the skeletal system which culminates our life science study

Social Studies: finish up the Northeast Region; Test Thursday, December 20th

Whole Group Reading: Work on Grinch reader's theater; character traits, story map

Writing: Share Sno-globe writing; "How to Make the Grinch Grin" craftivity

Spelling: Complete our study of list 6; Test Thursday, December 20th.

Grammar: Review of parts of speech holiday style

Guided Reading: Complete Revolutionary War reading

Important Info:

Tuesday 12/16 and Wednesday 12/17- Random Acts of Kindness completed

Thursday, 12/20- 2 PM dismissal; Paw Pride

Friday, 12/21: 2PM dismissal; Holiday party in afternoon (1ish)

Break begins 12/21 at 2PM- Have a safe a happy holiday season!! 


December 9, 2018

Hi everyone! 

Last week was full of exciting activity. We began math topic 8 where we are learning about 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. We continued learning about the human body with respiration and digestion- lots of interesting information is being processed here. In social studies, we moved on to the history of the Northeast region which means we started learning about the Revolutionary War. For whole group reading, we wrapped up our biography, Sacagawea. We tested over the story and demonstrated our ability to locate evidence to support a main idea. We also began studying our new Greek/Latin root, "dict" which means to say or tell. In writing, we drafted our Sno-globe book reports. We wrapped up spelling list 7 with our test on Friday. In grammar, we talked about present, past, and future tense verbs (regular). In guided reading, we explored non-fiction texts over topics and people of the Revolutionary War.

We also had lots of fun as we closed our Friday out with a preview of the Madrigal. I hope some of you were able to attend this exciting event. We also created really cute paintings of a reindeer peeking in our window. On top of that, we had our marble party that we earned for fantastic behavior! Students chose to watch a movie: Frozen while we enjoyed pizza, soda, and cookies. We are beginning to feel that holiday break itch and as such, it is very important for students to get a good night's sleep! 

This week we will kick off our countdown to holiday break. We will also do our winter MAP testing.


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: Topic 8 will continue (and be stretched out to ensure we get lots of practice)

Science: the brain, reflexes, muscles, and skeleton

Social Studies: Continue Revolutionary war, move on to immigration, specifically, Ellis Island

Whole Group reading: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, character traits, similes and metaphors, reader's theater, analysis of lyrics

Vocabulary: Continue "dict"; Test Friday, December 14th

Grammar: irregular past tense verbs

Writing: complete final draft of book reports

Spelling: Begin list 7

Guided Reading: more Revolutionary War texts


Important Info:

Monday, December 10: Holiday Program, 7PM, drop kids off at the APR

Tuesday, December 11th: Reading MAP testing

Wednesday, December 12th: Book order due, Math MAP testing

Thursday, December 13th: items due for Gingerbread houses 


December 2, 2018

Happy December!

Last week we completed the month by finishing up our lessons on topic 7 in math. We will test this week over the topic. In science, we began our study of the body systems of vertebrates (specifically humans). We have tested our heart rates and talked about respiration and lungs. We do little labs to study these areas. The kids are having a blast. We are exploring the Northeast region of the United States in social studies. Last week, we discussed the geography, natural resources, and climate. In reading, we started our study of a biography entitled, Sacagawea. We identified a main idea and located details in the text to support the idea. Our 4th graders did such an awesome job. We discussed voice as one of our 6 traits of writing and compared how different tones can change a similar piece of writing. In addiiton to that, we worked on possessive nouns and continued our cursive writing. We are practicing weekly and have gone over the alphabet a-f. We also started reading biographies or non-fiction texts related to the Revolutionary War. We will continue those this week. We started reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothin by Judy Blume. Ask your students all about it!

Students should have completed their book for their book report. They should bring it this week. We had Paw Pride last Friday where we decorated cards for the troops' care packages. Speaking of that, we are collecting items for the military; 4th grade is bringing: peanuts/popcorn etc. Due December, 3rd. Our kiddos earned a marble party- pizza to be had this coming week  (with a movie and soda).

Here's to another week!


Ms. Ross

What we will study:

Math: Topic 7 test on Tuesday, December 4th, begin topic 8 (2 digit by 2 digit multiplication)

Science: Continue our study of the body systems working on lungs and digestion

Social Studies: Continue the Northeast- Focus on the history of the Northeast (Revolution and Immigration)

Whole-group Reading: continue Sacagawea- test Tuesday, December, 4th, keep working on main idea, story organization- Native American poetry

Spelling- Continue list 6- Test Friday, December 7th

Grammar: verb tenses

Vocabulary: Introduce the root word "dict"

Writing: Begin drafting our book report 

Guided reading: Continue our Revolutionary War books


Monday, December 3rd- bring books for book report, Military donation items due

Friday, December 7th- Marble party (earning for magical behavior) Pizza, soda, movies


November 24, 2018

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! In our short week we completed topic 6 for math with a test. In science, we tested over vertebrates. In social studies, we practiced states and capitals. We focused on gratitude and created comliment turkeys. Every student created 4 compliments for fellow students. They also received a turkey with 5 compliments. In addition, we completed our Turkey in disguise writing. We read and solved a mystery over who was trying to kidnap Turkey Tom- students were excellent detectives. We also completed Harry Potter and the Sourcer's Stone (our read aloud). Our Wednesday was exciting as we enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner together and we received our Sno-Cone party- Thanks!

We are looking forward to celebrating our Exemplary status this week with dress up days!


Ms. Ross


Math: begin topic 7 (it is very short-the test will be next week)

Science: Begin learning the body systems

Social Studies: start the Northeast region of the United States

Writing: practice the skill of "voice" as we prepare for our book reports

Whole group reading: start a biography of Sacagawea, practice main idea and details

Grammar: possessive nouns

 Spelling: start spelling list 6

Guided reading- read stories over the American Revolution



Spring 2018 State Assessment
💙💛 Exemplary Rating 💙💛
Celebration Week - November 26th-30th

Monday - Great Job Using Your Thinking Cap (Hat Day)
Tuesday - Career Day
Wednesday - Favorite College Day
Thursday - Star Day (Dress to the Red Carpet)
Friday - P.J. Day


November 18, 2018

How is it possible that we are already almost to Thanksgiving? In the past week we had a wonderful Veterans Day celebration which gave us an opportunity to express gratitude. In math, we wrapped up topic 6- extending our understanding of mulitpilication and will test over it this week. Science was exciting as we delved into vertebrates with each student working with partners to researach one of the 7 classes of vertebrates. Social studies saw us wrap up our study of Illinois and practice a bit for the United States and capitals assessment (not until March). We also began writing our Disguise a Turkey (how did our Turkey escape) writing. In addition, we worked on a RACES writing over the question of whether or not cell phones should be permitted in schools. For reading, we tested over our latest story, "Owen and Mzee" a narrative non-ficiton where we explored comparing and contrasting and evaluating fact and opinion. We did an excellent job with these skills. We continued our study of the Greek and Latin roots "therm" and worked ond application activities. 

In addition to the above, we also experienced our first snow day of the year- smack dab in the middle of November! Yikes! I am sure the kiddos were rather excited about this! This week will be full of time to express gratitude and disucss what that truly means. I cannot wait!


Ms. Ross


What we will study:

Math: complete topic 6- multiplying 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. Test Tuesday, November 20th; Thanksgiving math

Science: Complete vertebrates- test Wednesday, November 21st.

Social Studies: continue practice of states and capitals

Whole group reading: Read a mystery Reader's theater about who tried to steal Turkey Tom- complete an investigation making inferences based on evidence

Writing: complete Turkey in Disguise writing and share it; begin RACES writing; write Thanksgiving cards for elderly; complete turkey compliments for classmates

Grammar: review parts of speech and complete Thanksgiving grammar activities for review

Vocabulary: Review "therm"; take test over "therm"- Tuesday, November 20th

Guided reading- finish up aviator books; Thanksgiving reading; guided RACES writing response


Wednesday, November 21st- 2PM dismissal

Thursday, November 22nd- No school. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 23rd- No school


November 11, 2018

Happy Veterans Day! Last week we completed our Math Topic 5 over basic multiplication number sense. Keep practicing those math facts: 7's, 8's, 9's and 12's. Students should also be implementing strategies to help them solve problems. In science, we began discussing vertebrates. We also created our own bird's nests using natural materials. This week we will investigate those nests further. Social studies was fun as we completed our research and slides on Illinois symbols. Students presented that info. We will be studying for a test this week. In writing, we wrote letters to veterans and worked on creating a Turkey craft for our upcoming writing project. Grammar was a review of abstract and concrete nouns as well as completion of our Spelling list over contractions. In reading, we began reading a selection that is narrative non-fiction, "Owen and Mzee". The students are enjoying this very much in addition to the reading of their own narrative non-fiction chapter books for guided reading. These are over either the Wright Brothers or Amelia Earhart. Finally, in vocabulary, we began our study of the Greek and Latin root word: "therm". 

Have a glorious week!


Ms. Ross


What we will study this week:

Math: Topic 6- Multiplication 2 digit by 1 digit. 

Science: Vertebrates- test bird's nests, reflect upon the strategy we used

Social Studies: Illinois symbols- Test Wednesday; Begin Northeast region of the United States

Reading: Continue Owen and Mzee. Compare and Contrast, organization, etc. Test Thursday. 

Vocabulary: Finish up "therm". Test Friday.

Grammar: plural nouns and begin spelling list 6

Writing: Turkey in disguise writing- Turkey due Monday

Guided Reading: Continue our aviator narrative non-fiction books, work on RACES writing in small groups


Monday, November 12- Veteran's Day assembly, 11:35 dismissal

Wednesday, November 14- Book orders due.

Thursday, November 15- Ag in the classroom

November 4, 2018

Wow! I cannot believe it is November already! We had quite the exciting week this past week with Halloween and Paw Pride! We worked on math topic 5. We will finish it up this coming week (number sense with multiplication). In science, we completed our study of invertebrates and also completed two mystery science Halloween mysteries. With one we made X-ray's of our hands. The other was also pretty neat- we created climbing spiders. In social studies, your kiddo began researching their particular Illinois symbol with a partner and began working on their Google Slide presentation. We started working on contractions for spelling. Additionally, we wrote and shared some spooky stories and completed our study of common and proper nouns. In reading, we read some Halloween stories and worked on our Scholastic news. On top of that, in our small reading groups, we finished up  our Halloween themed stories where we looked at story elements, predicting, and visualizing. 

Our Fall party was Wednesday afternoon and it was sooo much fun! I want to send a thank you to all who helped by bringing a treat. Special thanks to Mrs. Cleaver, Mrs. Lyons and Mr. Roller- your help was greatly appreciated to make our party a success. We wrapped up mummies and created masks- so much fun! On Friday, we participated in an excited spooky themed Paw Pride. We got to play a bag toss, spooky bowling, and finally, we got to feel various creepy items like zombie guts and witches fingers. I am so proud of all students who earned Paw Pride! Keep it up!! 


         Ms. Ross


What will we study?:

Math: Complete topic 5-Test Wednesday, November 7th; Topic 6 starts Thursday- more multiplication

Science: Begin our study of vertebrates

Social Studies: Complete Illinois symbols research; present Google slides; begin to study for Illinois test.

Grammar: Concrete and abstract nouns- quiz Friday, November 9th

Spelling: Contractions/ homophones- Test Friday, November 9th

Writing: Begin creating Turkey for writing project; write a piece about Veteran's Day; work on sentence fluency

Whole group reading: Begin a narrative non-fiction piece, "Owen and Mzee"; disucss fact/opinion; intonation; compare and contrast

Guided reading: Ravenclaw to finish "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; all groups will begin narrative non-fiction chapter books about either the Wright Brothers or Amelia Earhardt

Vocabulary: Greek/Latin root "therm" introduced


Monday, Novemeber 12th is our Veteran's Day program. Students will have an 11:35 dismissal this day. We will feed elementary students lunch.


October 22, 2018

Hi again! We are working hard on math topic 4. We have almost finished it up. For science, we are working in partner groups to study invertebrates. In social studies, we continue to study the state of Illinois. Grammar saw us working on a review of all parts of speech we have studied thus far. In addition, we finished up our week 4 spelling list. We also began studying Metr/Metre Greek and Latin vocabulary words. Students performed a play to finish up our reading of "Invasion from Mars"- it was excellent! Our monster writings moved into the "how-to" manual. In guided reading, we explored spiders and recorded information about spiders on a fact web. In addition, quarter 1 ended. Here is to another exciting week!


Ms. Ross


This week is very important. We have many events- we are sure to be busy! 

Wednesday. October 24- Family Reading Night 6PM in the APR- Be sure to visit the Enchanted Forest book sale :)!

Thursday, October 25- 2PM dismissal. Parent-teacher conferences begin at 5PM.

Friday, October 26- No school for students. Parent-teacher conferences. 

Wednesday, October 31- Fall parties in the afternoon. Elementary costume parade (please note, 4th graders are not allowed to dress up)

What we will study: 

Math: Topic 4 test Wednesday, October 24  (over Addition and subtraction), topic 5 pretest (multiplication)

Science: Invertebrates- "teach" about our class of invertebrates, study invertebrates terms- test next week

Social studies: begin working on Illinois symbol partner research/slide show

Whole group reading: Work on Scholastic news together. Exploring non-fiction text. Make predictions.

Writing: Monster manuals and spooky stories about Haunted Houses

Grammar- Complete unit 1 test on Thursday, October 25th

Vocabulary: Complete meter/Metre- Test on Thursday, October 25th

Spelling: No list. We will begin again next week, with contractions

They've got the whole world in their hands! 4th graders created balloon globes to practice map skills and being able to locate the 7 continents.


October 22, 2018

Hi again! We are working hard on math topic 4. We have almost finished it up. For science, we are working in partner groups to study invertebrates. In social studies, we continue to study the state of Illinois. Grammar saw us working on a review of all parts of speech we have studied thus far. In addition, we finished up our week 4 spelling list. We also began studying Metr/Metre Greek and Latin vocabulary words. Students performed a play to finish up our reading of "Invasion from Mars"- it was excellent! Our monster writings moved into the "how-to" manual. In guided reading, we explored spiders and recorded information about spiders on a fact web. In addition, quarter 1 ended. Here is to another exciting week!


Ms. Ross


This week is very important. We have many events- we are sure to be busy! 

Wednesday. October 24- Family Reading Night 6PM in the APR- Be sure to visit the Enchanted Forest book sale :)!

Thursday, October 25- 2PM dismissal. Parent-teacher conferences begin at 5PM.

Friday, October 26- No school for students. Parent-teacher conferences. 

Wednesday, October 31- Fall parties in the afternoon. Elementary costume parade (please note, 4th graders are not allowed to dress up)

What we will study: 

Math: Topic 4 test Wednesday, October 24  (over Addition and subtraction), topic 5 pretest (multiplication)

Science: Invertebrates- "teach" about our class of invertebrates, study invertebrates terms- test next week

Social studies: begin working on Illinois symbol partner research/slide show

Whole group reading: Work on Scholastic news together. Exploring non-fiction text. Make predictions.

Writing: Monster manuals and spooky stories about Haunted Houses

Grammar- Complete unit 1 test on Thursday, October 25th

Vocabulary: Complete meter/Metre- Test on Thursday, October 25th

Spelling: No list. We will begin again next week, with contractions


October 13, 2018

Happy fall! This past week we finished up math topic 3 over place value concepts. We also are almost finished with our study of plants. Social studies saw us continuing to study the state of Illinois. In grammar, we worked on irregular plural nouns. We also completed our study of the root word "rupt". We began a brand new spelling list. The test for this one will not occur until quarter 2. In reading, we are exploring the sci-fi play "Invasion from Mars" which is an adaptation of Orson Wells' War of the Worlds. Students are really enjoying it! They are going to act out scenes from the play this week which they have directed and designed. In writing, we are completing our wonderful "Have You Seen My Creature?" writing projects. Students have designed a monster and they are writing descriptive writing about it. They are so cute! I cannot wait for you to see their finished monsters. We also had our first Marble Party!!! Students earned this for spectacular behavior- they chose to create slime. They had a blast!


Ms. Ross


Math- Begin topic 4: Addition and Subtraction concepts

Science- Begin studying the Animal Kingdom- Invertebrates

Social Studies- Continue Illinois unit. Students begin research of a state symbol

Spelling- Continue List 4- Test Friday.

Vocabulary- Introduce "metr/metre"

Writing- Publish and share "Have you Seen My Monster?". Begin our monster manuals.

Spelling-Continue list 4

Grammar- Review nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, plural nouns, etc. Unit exam Friday.

Reading-Complete "Invasion from Mars"- Test Wednesday. Begin "The Girl who Loved Spiders". Read books about insects in guided reading.


Tuesday October 16th- Pay $2 and dress up in athletic gear (including hats) to support Girls on the Run. Students receive a couple of prizes for donating!

Elementary Reading Night- October 24th

Parent-Teacher conferences- October 25th and 26th.

2 pm dismissal- October 25th

No School- October 26th

Trunk or Treat- October 27th




October 8, 2018

Hi there! We have had some busy weeks! Last week, we continued topic 3 for math- place value and rounding. In Science, we continued stuying plants and began our Grass heads mystery science mystery to look at why plants grow certain ways. We also began studying the state of Illinois. My goal is that students will correclty identify important information about our state and will also be able to identify our state on the map. In grammar, we finished up our week 2 spelling. We also started studying the root word "rupt". In addition to that, we were identifying ways to make nouns plural and finished up our autobiographies. We are published writers! I am so proud of your kiddos. We also began a descriptive writing about a monster that we have created. In reading, we have begun reading a play enttiled, "Invasion from Mars", an excerpt from War of the Worlds, a popular radio broadcast. Students are looking at story elements, elements of drama, and how to use prediction to figure out what will happen next. They love this sci-fi selection. We continued working in guided reading on individual needs and skill development. 


Math: complete topic 3 with test on Wednesday. Begin topic 4.

Science: Continue plants- test Wednesday. 

Social Studies: Continue our study of Illinois. Begin research on Illinois Symbols

Spelling: Begin list 4

Vocabulary: Continue our study of the root "rupt". Test Friday.

Grammar: Irregular plural nouns

Writing: Races writing and Monster descriptive writing

Reading: "Invasion from Mars" play, continue exploration of story elements, elements of drama, and predictions. Guided reading- Fly guy stories or Ripley's detective agency book.

More important dates:

Book order due Friday, October 12.

Fire safety event Friday, October 12.

Marble party: Friday, October 12. The students chose a slime party.

September 23, 2018

Hi there! We have had a busy couple of weeks. We have taken our first reading assessment over our large group study. We have also begun to meet daily in our guided reading groups which will help propel us forward in our reading by working specifically in small groups through teaching specific needs-based strategies. We also completed our first vocabulary assessment. In math, we are completing topic 2 over tables and graphs. Science finds us delving into plants after we wrapped up our overview of the kingdoms of life. In social studies, we completed our study of the three branches of government. Grammar saw us reviewing adjectives and adverbs. We have almost completed our autobiographies- we have done such a fantastic job! We also had our first ag in the classroom meeting where we learned more about apples. We have also begun learning to be mindful and relax through our mindful minute that we do everyday. 4th grade is rocking!


Math: Topic 2 is wrapped up- test Tuesday and then we will review and extend our knowledge of addition and subtraction with multi-digits

Science: plant classification/structure/reproduction

Social Studies: Pre-test for states and capitals, Illinois unit begins

Reading: Continue reading "The Right Dog for the Job", and service/working dogs small readers, study sequence, summarizing non-ficition, and main idea/detail- Test Thursday

Vocabulary: Continue our study of "astr", Test Friday

Grammar: Pronouns

Writing: Finish publishing autobiography, publishing party, write in class journals

Spelling: List 3 

More important reminders:

11:35 dismissal Friday, September 28, 2018

Fannie Mae currently due!

Paw Pride Friday, September 28, 2018


September 9, 2018


Hi families! We had a great week as we completed our first MAP testing of the sememster. We had some very impressive scores show up! I am so proud of our 4th graders. We worked on balloon globes and began drafting our very own Treasure maps in order to practice map skills. In math we almost finished topic 1 over multiplication and division basic reviews. In science, we worked on labeling and understanding plant and animal cells- the basic units of living things. We read a whole group excerpt of "The World According to Humphrey" and began discussing theme and summarizing. Meanwhile, we also continued practicing daily 3 rotations. In grammar, we reviewed verbs and began learning our first Greek and Latin root word- log/logue and practiced using vocabulary with this root in it. We also wrapped up our rough drafts of our autobiographies. Fannie Mae funndraisers went home Friday!! Some cool prizes await those awesome sellers!


Ms. Ross


Looking ahead:

Math: wrap up topic 1-test Wednesday. Begin topic 2- patterns

Science: Cell labeling quiz Monday, begin exploring classification of living things

Social Studies; Treasure Map completion, begin learning about the US government and its branches

Reading: Continue our analysis of "The World According to Humphrey"- Test  Thursday

Grammar: begin spelling list 2- Test next Friday. Recall adjectives, continue our study of log/logue- test Friday.

writing: revise/edit and begin final drafts of autobiographies.

Other info:

Book orders due September 14th!!!!

Fannie Mae due September 21st.


  1st week of 4th grade 2018-2019 is down!


September 3, 2018

I hope everyone is enjoying their day off! We have had a wonderful time getting into our routines. We have been reviewing multiplication and division strategies and properties. We have also begun to explore cells and organisms. We learned that there are plant cells and animal cells. In social studies, we have continued to work on our mapping skills and vocabulary as well as learned the 7 continents. Reading has seen us practicing our daily 3 rotations: read to self, listen to reading, word work, and work on writing. In writing, we have begun drafting our autobiographies and focused on nouns and how to identify them. We also have set to learning our very first spelling list. 

Looking ahead:

Math: continue working on division and multiplication

Science: study cells, living things, and how they are grouped and classified

social studies: continue mapping with globe and treasure map activities

grammar: introduce vocabulary with "log/logue" as a root word, work on verbs

Spelling- test Friday 

writing: continue drafting autobiographies/complete our second RACES writing with the focus on Restating and answering the question

Reading: Begin reading our whole group selection: The World According to Humphrey and continue individual reading conferences

MAP testing for math and reading will occur this week on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Important dates to know:

September 4- Girls on the Run practices kick off

September 12- Picture Day

September 14-Book orders due! 

August 24, 2018

I am so very excited to begin our school year! This week we established routines and explored our school with the school passport. We also began reading Harry Potter and are well into chapter 2. Math was a review of multiplication facts. In science, we explored what exactly a scientist does and discovered that we are all scientists. For social studies, we began to orient ourselves in the world with our Me on the Map project. We also began to read to ourselves and picked out 5 books for our book boxes. We began to learn about what a growth mindset was and how it can work to help us stretch our brains and grow. We created our own magnetic brains with sayings to help us when we get down. We created a Brain binder which we will place our work that we are most proud of inside. We also created golden snitch goals that we will assess every couple of weeks. Book orders went out and are due September 14. See my link to order online. Girls on the Run registration is OPEN!!! I am a coach and I would love to spend even more time with your girls. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.


Looking ahead:

Next week we will begin our regular schedules. Here is what we will study:

Math: Multiplication and Division basic refresher

Science: Cells and classifying living things

Social Studies: Maps and globes terminology and landforms terminology as well as the continents and oceans

Reading: We will continue building our reading to self stamina, our listen to reading stamina, and we will also move through chapters 2 and 3 of our read-aloud of Harry Potter.

Grammar: We will review what a noun is and take an assessment Friday.

Spelling: Our first spelling list will go out. We will test on a two-week cycle. Students will test on September 7th for list 1. There are 18 words and 2 bonus words.

Writing: We will begin penning our very own autobiography. This will be completed over the next couple of weeks. Monday you will receive a letter for how you can help!


We will also begin going to specials next week.

Thanks for all of your support this week and through the year!


It is going to be AWESOME!


Ms. Ross










Augusut 16, 2018

Hi There!

I cannot believe it is already time to begin another magical year at Tri-City! Tonight is Meet the Teacher Night. I am looking forward to seeing everyone!


School begins Monday, August 20th with 2PM dismissals daily. All forms from Meet the Teacher night are required to be signed and returned Friday, August 24th.


Have a wonderful evening!


Ms. Ross

May 28, 2018

Hi there!

We are fast approaching the end of the year! I cannot believe it! This week we have 2PM dismissals each day. We will clean our desks out Wednesday and will bring supplies home. I will ask if anyone wants to donate supplies to my classroom- it would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday we will watch Because of Winn-Dixie- the film is based on the book we read as a class. We will also write letters to third graders and reflect on our year Wednesday. 

Thank you so much for all of your support this year! You have all made my first year teaching easier. 

Have a great week!


Ms. Ross

Upcoming dates:

Tiger Tuesday tomorrow and Wednesday is work-out day. 

Last day of school is Wenesday! 

2PM dismissals each day.


May 13, 2018


We are entering the final weeks of school. This past week, we had a spectacular field trip to Lincoln's New Salem. Our students were so very interested and polite! Great job 4th graders. We worked on typing the final copy of our state papers. This week, we will continue typing, work on writing the speech and practicing it, and we will be working on our projects. In addition, we are working on reading a novel as a class- Because of Winn-Dixie. Ask your student what their favorite part so far is.

Upcoming: Field trip is Tuesday at the State Fair Grounds to celebrate Earth. We will be checking out Wax Museum Friday, May 18. For social studies, we will have a State Fair Wednesday, May 23 at 1PM. We will also have our big states and capitals test Thursday, May 24. Our field day is Friday, May 25.

Crazy dress up days of May begin tomorrow. See the schedule below to check out the exciting themes.

I am so proud of these 4th graders! 


Ms. Ross


April 20, 2018


April is underway and PARCC is all complete. I am so proud of our students for working hard to face the challenge! We are all done with our 50 states research. Your students have done an excellent job. Next week we will begin writing our papers- 1 paragraph today. Our regular schedule resumes next week as well. That means the return of spelling.

We also will begin reading a class novel- Because of Winn Dixie by Cate DiCamillo. I cannot wait to explore the themes of friendship, sadness, loneliness, community, abandonment and more with your kids. Keep your eyes peeled for information about upcoming field trips. These are in May and info will come home soon. If you are interested in chaperoning a trip to New Salem- please do not hesitate to contact me. We would love to have you!

Enjoy your weekend!


Ms. Ross




April 8, 2018

Happy April!

It has been wonderful to see your kiddos again! We kick off PARCC this week- students will take 1 test daily. Math will be tested Monday, April 9, Wednesday, April 11, Friday April 13, and Tuesday April 17. Reading/language tests will be taken Tuesday April 10, Thursday April 12, and Monday April 16. When we are not testing, we will begin researching for our Social Studies state project.

Please help us by making sure your children are getting a good night's sleep- rest is very important to do our best. Our theme this year is emojis! Each day students can earn incentives and prizes for good behavior. We will provide students with breakfast, breaks, and snacks daily. We've got this! smiley

We will not have spelling for the next two weeks. We will also not test or send homework home any of these days. 


Ms. Ross

Dates to Know

Wednesday, April 25: book order due

Friday, April 27: Grandparent's Day, 11:35 dismissal

Thursday, May 3: field trip to Illinois State Fairgrounds- Earth Day exploration

Thursday, May 10: Field trip to Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site

March 18, 2018

Hi families!


It has been a busy couple of months! This is a 4 day week before we head into spring break. Following spring break, we will be in PARCC mode. I cannot believe it is quarter 4 already. Don't forget-you can access your child's report card via Skyward. We do not send out paper copies. This week, we will not have spelling. We will take a Northeast region test and a vocabulary test. We will also continue our study of Greek mythology and historical fiction novels. Ask your students which novel they are reading. Also, they should be able to retell some of the Perseus and Medusa myth. Ask them what an allusion is. BOOM! We are also learning about onomatopoeia- students have loved learning about these crazy sound words.


We received all of our Donors Choose items. Thank you so much for your contribution. Check in with your student to see what their favorite item is! We have also been awarded a TCEF grant in addition to a grant from Kappa Delta Pi that we should receive shortly. 


See below for upcoming dates to know. 


Ms. Ross



Upcoming Dates to Know:

Wednesday, March  21, 2018: Science Night at the APR, book orders due this day

Thursday, March 22, 2018: last day for the school wide book fair

Friday, March 23-April 2, 2018-Spring Break

Tuesday April 3, 2018: School resumes

Monday, April 9, 2018-PARCC begins



February 4, 2018

Hi everyone. We have had an awesome week. We got to read to our Pre-K reading buddies. The goal is that we will do this once a month. The kids had a blast! We also had Paw Pride which resulted in us participating in Olympics celebrations. We have also begun reading poetry and will also create our own original poetry. We finally finished reading Harry Potter and the Sourcer's Stone and have begun the novel Wonder. Ask your kids to give you a summary of the Harry Potter book.

This week we will participate in a spelling bee in which 2 fourth graders will qualify for the county spelling bee to take place in two weeks. The rough draft of the Valentine Day book box report is due Wednesday, February 7th. The box itself is due February 13th.  

Here is to a fabulous February!



Ms. Ross


Upcoming Dates:

February 7- Rough Draft book report due

February 13- Final Valentine Book box/book report due

February 16- Valentine's Day Parties/11:35 dismissal

February 19- No School-President's Day





January 29, 2018

Wow! Our Donor's Chooose project was fully funded. Thank you for your support to help make our classroom magically flexible! I am so thankful! My heart is so warm and overflowing with gratitiude! Our students cannot wait until we get our new flex seating options! The carpet will be coming right in time for our study if the regions of the U.S. 

You have helped provide the magic that will help my students achieve their goals now and for years to come! Thank you.


With gratitude,
Ms. Ross


January 6, 2018

Hello all!

My hope is that all of you had a wonderful break and spent much time with families. We are getting back into the swing of things. In the coming weeks, we will begin to discuss Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contribution to our society. We will also continue our study of Illinois. In writing, we will begin to write an autobiography. Details will be coming shortly. 

If your 4th grader completed the Six Flags reading log or Book It! in December, please be sure that you send it back to school with them so that they receive credit. Also, if your child sold enough fundraiser items to be eligible for SkyZone, the waiver went home prior to the holiday break. Please be sure to send that ASAP as the trip to Skyzone is January 10. 

We are still trying to raise money for our classroom on the Donor's Choose site above. Please share with friends, family and colleagues. 

Finally, ask your students about our spectacular Rosie the Riveter collaborative poster... it was a good time!

Stay warm! Smiles!

-Ms. Ross


December 8, 2017

See below for our winter dress up days.  Monday is the Holiday Program at 7pm. Students may wear a holiday shirt to school. All week, 4th graders will be learning about the Grinch. We will dig into the text, do a readers theater, write a funny writing for how to make the Grinch grin, and finally, identify and illustrate similes and metaphors in the Grinch song. We will also begin learning about Holiday traditions around the world. We will continue studying common and proper nouns and will type letters to Santa to be featured in the Buffalo newspaper. We have a busy couple weeks before a long awaited winter break!


Ms. Ross


November 20, 2017

This week we have only 3 school days! Wednesday, we have a 2pm dismissal. Throughout the week, we will be working on Thanksgiving themed skill building. We will write a Turkey disguise/escape story. We will read about an attempted Turkey robbing and your students will help "solve" the mystery by taking notes and investigating evidence. NO SPELLING THIS WEEK!! :) In our guided reading groups, we will read leveld non-fiction texts regarding the Mayflower mysteries. 

Students had researched Illinois symbols. This week, they will present. Ask your child what symbol they researched. 

Happy Thanksgiving week!


Ms. Ross

11/22/17: 2pm dismissal

11/23/17: Happy Thanksgiving- No school

11/24/17: No school

12/1/2017: Paw Pride 




Ms. Ross' homeroom with their thank you letters to a veteran for Project Gratitude. 


November 10, 2017

Today's Veteran's Day program was well done! Our 4th graders made me proud. They also completed letters to veterans that I will mail to Operation Gratitude where they will distribute those letters to vets (and hopefully spread some smiles). Our students did a fantastic job with this. Next week, we will be wrapping up Illinois research and begin presenting our information to our classmates. We have also been practicing reading plays. Next week, our students will present their plays from their small group as a readers theater to the rest of our class. I am certain we have some future actors and actresses among the class! Keep working on Book It! Book orders are due next Friday. We will have a spelling test as well as a Greek and Latin roots test next week. In addition, we will review nouns and also work on drafting a story about a pet that has been resued.

Ms. Gremer's homeroom with their letters. 

Thanks for all of your support.


Ms. Ross


Upcoming Dates to markdown:

11/17/17: Book orders due

11/22/17: 2pm dismissal

11/23/17: Happy Thanksgiving- No school

11/24/17: No school






November 9, 2017

Hi there! This week has been a whirlwind full of different activities. Students have been reading from the genre of plays. They have read an adaptation from War of the Worlds and also have heard a section from the original radio broadcast. They are really enjoying this genre. Next week, students will share their guided reading small reader play with one another in a reader's theater. We have also been reading about Veteran's Day as it occurs this week. Our 4th graders have drafted and will publish letters to veterans which we will send to Operation Gratitude for their distribution. I am so proud of their kind words! Tomorrow is the Veteran's Day assembly. Students will have to return the yellow form that went home yesterday in order to leave with a family member on this day. There is an early dismissal tomorrow: 11:35.


Thanks to all veterans!


Ms. Ross

October 28, 2017


Thanks to all who made it out to Parent-Teacher Conferences. We enjoyed meeting all of you! Your continued involvement contributes to the academic success of your student. We also had elementary reading night and book fair. Thanks again for supporting these. 

Students were learning about tall tales, complete subjects and predicates, and were working on book reports. We had our first big reading comprehnsion exam. 

This week we will have our Fall Party on Tuesday afternoon. We will begin a new text in the genre of theatrical play. We will also begin focusing on a new root word: meter/metre. In addition, we will write spooky stories and begin researching Illinois symbols to begin our Illinois unit of study. 

Book It! is due by Friday. Box tops are due November 1st!

Here is to a terrific week!

Smiles, Ms. Ross


October 8, 2017


Hello! 4th graders are getting into the routines of the typical school day. Our reading block is full of excitement as we dive into a daily 3 rotation where students complete 3 activities independently in a balanced literacy environment. Ask them about the new Word work activities- play dough has been the favorite thus far. We have begun working on writing daily with students having the opportunity to share their writing in author's chair. They LOVE this!

Remember that Book It has begun- students should be reading 15 minutes nightly. They must have an adult's signature on each day for reading to be considered complete. The goal for the month is 435 reading minutes.

No school tomorrow for Columbus Day!

Ms. Ross

September 22, 2017


Good afternoon!

We read an excerpt of Winn-Dixie this week- a story about a friendship between a girl, her dog, and an elderly librarian. We will dive more deeply into the text next week and will begin to describe story structure before we take a reading comprehension text next week. We learned what the Greek/Latin root Astr means (star) and learned 5 vocabulary words with the root in it. We began to brainstorm for our own fictional narratives that we will begin writing shortly. From our students who had the opportunity to share in the author's chair, I can tell these are going to be super. Today we explored more growth mindset ideas and we all created colored a little brain with our names and some growth mindset quotes that we will be magnets to hang in my classroom to remind us all to use positive growth-mindset ideas. We also organized our desks and notebooks. In social studies, we explored academic language and identified locations on globes and maps. We will continue the exploration next week before our quiz.


Ms. Ross


Upcoming dates:

Wednesday, September 27, 2017- Scholastic book orders due

Friday, September 29, 2017- 11:35 dismissal


September 15, 2017

This week, our students reached 17 minutes of read to self-stamina! Their ultimate goal is 20 minutes. They also began writing stamina to see how long they could write about a topic of their choosing. They made it to 5 minutes- stellar job! We had picture day Wednesday with lots of smiles. We started to delve into root words and their meaning and usage in daily language. This week's root was log/logue which means word. Ask your students to tell you about 1 vocabulary word with the root log in it. They also learned about the 4 kinds of sentences and that these sentences end in either an exclamation point, a period, or a  question mark. I wonder if they remember all of those names? We also listened to reading on Epic! Epic! is an app that is free for download. Your child may explore Epic! at home in order to get in that all too important independent reading time. 


Dates to know:

Fanny May orders due: Friday, September 22

Scholastic book orders due: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 (see my Scholastic Book orders link)

11:35 dismissal and PAW Pride: Friday, September 27th


Ms. Ross


September 8, 2017

We had another busy week. Students did such a fantastic job with creating similes to describe themselves. We illustrated these similes. They will hang in the classroom! Ask your students to describe you with a simile. We continued Harry Potter and identified similes within the chapter of the book. We also took MAP reading and math assessments (our first of the year). In social studies, students idenfied their place in relation to others in the world with our Me on the Map project. Next week, we actually start looking at specific concepts and terms with regards to maps and globes such as latitude and longitude.

Students received their Fanny May Candy fundraiser forms which they will bring home with them. Please note that the children only need to collect the orders but do not need to collect money at the time of order. The orders are due September 22, 2017. They were pretty excited to see the prize reveals. We also have picture day coming up next week so be sure to send the forms in for pictures by Wednesday if you wish to order. You may send the envelope with your student to give me. Picture day is Wednesday, September 13, 2017. 

Upcoming dates to know:

Picture day: Wednesday, September 13th

Fanny May orders due: Friday, September 22

Scholastic book orders due: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 (see my Scholastic Book orders link)

11:35 dismissal and PAW Pride: Friday, September 27th

Enjoy your weekend!


Ms. Ross

September 1, 2017

We are beginning to get into the school groove. We practiced stamina with one class getting up to 15 minutes of solid reading time where each student was focused. The other fourth-grade class got a solid 10 minutes of stamina for independent reading time. We began to write similes to describe ourselves after reading, My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks. We began to implement author's chair in which after writing, an author will choose to read their piece. Ask your students about their morning journals which they have been working on for 8 days in a row. The first spelling tests were overall rather well done. Our students started to orient themselves on the map for social studies with Me on the Map activity to have them really think about their place in the universe.

We are off Monday. Happy Labor Day! Next week, we will begin to explore Greek and Latin roots and start implementing more Daily 5 procedures. In addition, students will take their first MAP testing. 


Enjoy the long weekend!


Ms. Ross


August 25, 2017


We had a great first week! We created rules, procedures, and started getting to know one another. We have been working toward setting goals for ourselves. Your students started a daily journal in which they will respond to writing prompts. My hope is that this will clear their minds and get them ready for the day. We will begin our regular schedule this week. Checkout the weekly spelling list. We will begin having nightly reading and spelling homework. Be sure to check their communication folder, planner and Remind nightly. Let's have a tremendous 2nd week! ⭐️


Welcome! this is our website for our 4th Grade classroom! I am excited to share information with you throughout the year! Check here for information about what we are studying, tips for helping your students, pictures of our class, and events that are coming up. Please contact me with any questions you might have!





"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."   ------Benjamin Franklin