


Students will have math homework nightly. Please ensure that they are completing each assignment. We will go over the homework the next day and if students have questions, please circle the number of the problem and let me know that they need help. We will then practice the assignment by completing some problems in class. Those problems will be graded. I will then teach the students the new lesson. We will have opportunity to practice the new problems in class. I have split the class into two math groups. I teach one group in the morning while the others work on math centers for extra practice. I then instruct the other group of math students in the afternoon while the morning group works on stations. This has been a very nice change as I can instruct smaller groups of students and tailor it more to their needs. The students are further grouped into smaller groups for their station work.



For math practice, I encourage you to check out Crystal Miller, our 5th grade math teacher's homepage. She has many websites and ideas for practice. You may also access the application Prodigy, which is a game that all of your students have passwords and user names for. This does require internet, however. I also encourage lots of flash cards for basic fact memorization. Being able to recall basic facts on demand frees up precious time for application which leads to less frustration and also prevents forgetting where in the procedure you are. It is vital as your student moves up into higher level math applications and reasoning.